2017-12-13 Minutes

Alpine CC Board Minutes
6:00 pm Wednesday, December 13th, 2017 at ACC

Present: Joyce Long, Roger Irvin, Rachelle Payne, John Scott (by phone)
Absent: Dorothy Brinckerhoff, Dena Elliott, Charlene Opheim

1. Discuss & approve minutes of the previous meeting


2. Review board email votes since last meeting

Received an application to use the center for a meditation class on Monday evenings. Board approved unanimously with a stipulation about no use of incense or fragrances.

3. Prioritize Agenda

4. Financial Report

Financial reports for November were not available yet.

5. Preschool Report

No report on parent first aid training, background checks/registry enrollments for co-oping parents, or the handbook revision

6. FFF Grant for Staff Development and QRIS Plan

No report.

7. Lessons learned from Holiday Festival 2017

This year’s festival did well as measured by attendance and income. (Rough figures were not available for the meeting.) No specific lessons for next year were raised.

8. Recycling Center abuse

Joyce reported no progress in configuring the video recorder to network.

9. 2012/2014 Trust Mgmt Grant Implementation

No report on production of the final report to Trust Mgmt.

10. Holiday season projects

No report on the future of Partnership for a Strong Community.

11. New Business

Water from the Alpine Water Co. was out recently, affecting the ACC preschool along with other customers. It was suggested that we prepare an emergency kit with water and other supplies. The board has taken that input under advisement.

Community Services Consortium would like to partner with us for job training experience for someone. The board discussed possible ideas of alternatives at the Resale Shop and the preschool, and neither seemed obviously appropriate. We will need to know more from CSC about the program and about possible trainees before we could approve such a partnership.

Dorothy asked for clarification on last month’s board approval of a raise for Claudia.: how far back to apply the new wage. We reviewed the record and specified that it should be effective to September 1, 2017.

We received an application from an instructor to conduct yoga and qi-gong classes on Saturday mornings. The board approved, with stipulation that they don’t use incense or diffusion of essential oils. Joyce will respond for the board.

12. Proposed agenda for January

Parent background checks
Parent first aid training
CSC training partnership

13. Schedule

Preschool Holiday Program 12/19-20?, ACC Board 1/10

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