2024-06-12 ACC BOD Minutes

Alpine CC Board Minutes
6:00 pm Wednesday, June 12th, 2024 at ACC
(Total scheduled minutes: 60 mins)

Present: Rachelle Payne, Dorothy Brinckerhoff, John Scott, Roger Irving, Melissa Meyer, Colby Postle (Parent Guest)
Absent: Joyce Long
1. Discuss & approve minutes of the previous meetings (5 min)
2. Review board email votes since last meeting (1 min)
3. Prioritize Agenda (2 min)
Prioritize our visitor.
4. Parent Visitor
Colby Postle joined the meeting to talk to the board about issues she has raised with Preschool policies. The board listened to her concerns and narrowed it down to 4 points:
-Board/Parent Communication
-Parents in the Classroom
-Use of Hand sanitizer
Over the next few months the board will review and address each item.

One of her major concerns was her perception that we had expelled her son from Preschool.
Mrs Postle had told us in her email that moving forward her son would no longer attend our preschool and we accelerated the time line by requesting that he no longer attend school. Her interpretation that we expelled him from school was not our intent. The board regrets our choice to ask him to no longer attend. We apologized to her for the misunderstanding and the hurt feelings.
5. Joyce Long’s Resignation
Dorothy made a motion that we regretfully accept Joyce Long’s resignation and acknowledge her many years of service to the community. We will celebrate her at Benny’s next month’s meeting at 5pm with the meeting afterwards.
5. Review and Accept Financial Reports for April & May (10 min)
6. Resale Shop Updates (5 min)
Progress Report (Dorothy)- Everything great, no news to report.
7. Preschool Updates (15 min)
Report (Rachelle& Melissa)
8. Summer Camp
9. Building Usage Review and Updates (5 min)
Discussion (All)
Dorothy is exploring the idea of removing the propane tank and heating and cooling upgrade options.
10. Road Enlargement
The Board received an email from Mary Jo Fletcher in regards to a new neighbor who is required to enlarge the road across from the Community Center. The Board composed a letter back in response asking for more detail.
11. New Business (5 min)
Bookcase in the hallway- the Resale Shop would like to have the unused, small bookshelf from the hallway. The board approved.
12. Proposed agenda for July (1 min)
Parent Concerns to address:
How to avoid cancellations and closures- Substitute teachers
Making an agenda for the Board to have more communication with Preschool Parents
13. Schedule (1 min)
ACC Board Meeting 7/10/24

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