2024-05-08 Board Minutes

Alpine CC Board Minutes
6:00 pm Wednesday, May 8th, 2024 at ACC

Present: Joyce Long, Dorothy Brinckerhoff, Roger Irvin, John Scott
Absent: Rachelle Payne, Melissa Meyer

Discuss & approve minutes of the previous meetings
Review board email votes since last meeting
No email votes.
Prioritize Agenda
Review and Accept Financial Reports for March
Accepted the P&L and balance sheet for March. Dorothy is still finalizing the April reports. We previewed the April balance sheet, and found it acceptable with the edits that Dorothy described as yet to come.
Resale Shop Updates
Resale shop is going well. Nothing notable to report.
Preschool Updates
Rachelle sent a written report (here interspersed with notes on Board responses):
I have an Open House this month, enrollment for the lil Dragons (4-5) is almost full!! I’m hoping the Hatchlings (3-4) will catch up.
Graduation is June 6th. I would like to ask for up to $150 for graduation items, and a party. I’d also like to request up to $300 for the end of the year bbq. Date TBD. That amount would include rental of Bellfountain park. Board accepted these requests for expenses.
Could the first Saturday dinners please get added to the calendar? Joyce agreed to do this.
I left chairs out over the weekend after looking at the clear calendar, but they had their dinner Saturday night.
In the PCPO standards checklist, #10 under health and safety states, “Teachers are required to have a Food Handlers Permit”. There doesn’t appear to be any sort of exemption. I will work on obtaining the permit.
I have attached the flier for Summer Camp! (slight name reformat). The dates will be July 1st through August 1st. Please look over the draft flier and let me know if we’re good to launch. I believe I removed all mention of the preschool. Board reviewed the flier during the meeting, and suggested 2 edits, but otherwise approved the flier for distribution.
Could we please get the pest guy out to spray? Lots of wasp nests are popping up. Dorothy accepted this to do item.
I had a man email me, asking to volunteer at the school. Long story short; the wording of the email and the “vibe” I got was creepy. Especially when he asked me to give him contact info for other preschools and daycares I might know of. I just wanted to inform the board, if you’d like more info please let me know. Board had no drive for more details.
Building Usage Review
Rachelle reported: there were a lot of large food chunks left on the floor in the Big Room after the community dinner on 5/4. Perhaps they wiped tables and forgot to vac?
Building Updates
Dorothy met with John Montgomery at the Center. He reinspected the furnace and ductwork. He was skeptical of how well ductless heat pumps would work for us. One point is that we already have ducts, but the wood-lined plenum return shaft does not comply with current building codes. He agreed with the building inspector that our furnace is old and inefficient. He asserts that we could do better. A new furnace would use less propane. He will send a quote. A combination of a small heat pump and a new smaller furnace is his recommendation. Montgomery staff thinks there might be grants available from Energy Trust of Oregon or from our electric company to assist with the expense.
Rachelle reported: I apologize for dropping the ball on the ductless heating. My hope is to have some quotes in the next week or so and I will email them to the board.
The board discussed the possibility of moving the propane tank to the edge of the property in order to maximize open space on the south side of the building. Dorothy has rescheduled the meeting with Co-Energy propane to get a site review to determine code requirements and costs.
New Business
No new business.
Proposed agenda for June
Nothing in particular.
Monroe BBQ & Logging festival 5/18, ACC board 6/12

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