Alpine CC Board Minutes
6:00 pm Wednesday, April 14th, 2021 on Zoom
Present: Dorothy Brinckerhoff, Rachelle Payne, Melissa Meyer, Roger Irvin, Joyce Long, John Scott
1. Discuss & approve minutes of the previous meeting
2. Review board email votes since last meeting
3. Prioritize Agenda
4. Review and Accept Financial Reports
The board reviewed and accepted the financial reports for March.
5. Election of Officers
There were no nominations from the floor. John presented the nomination slate of Joyce Long for President, Dorothy Brinckerhoff for Treasurer, and John Scott for Secretary. The slate was re-elected for another year.
5. New Preschool Teacher
Joyce reported that the applicant pool was weak, but they interviewed 3 candidates. The committee had a promising interview on 4/14/21, with a candidate who is seeking a part-time position. We have made an offer to this candidate.
Joyce has also talked to Claudia (our assistant teacher from a few years ago). She is not available right now but indicated interest in teaching next fall.
6. Planning for Preschool Reopening
Joyce is getting strong expressions of interest from parents for a spring-summer term (probably with a full class of Bigs), with a full pipeline of 3 year olds for next fall. The Board discussed how to prioritize students for available places, related to the range of ages among kids who have passed their 4th birthday and the likelihood of going to kindergarten next fall. Joyce has compiled a spreadsheet of applicant students that she will share when it gets a little more complete and stable.
7. Updating the Preschool Parents Handbook
Melissa discussed items for the checklist of things to work on in the first 2-3 weeks after we have a confirmed hire, including communications with parents, organizing a meet-the-teacher event, writing up procedures, refreshing CPR training for the teacher and parents, etc.
When the hire is solid, Joyce will email the board to kick off this set of tasks. Melissa will start drafting some cleaning procedures.
8. Status update: Alpine Water Company
Rachelle reported on her walk-through of the water company with Jeanne-Anne. She took some meter readings, got a tour of the equipment, met Tanner, and received a briefing on the history.
John reported on his interview with Nicholas Ritch as a possible candidate to take over general administration of the water company.
9. New Business
Dorothy reported that Jeanne-Anne is considering writing a grant application for building a sign with reader-board out at the NW corner of the property along Bellfountain Road. Jeanne is aware of an arts-oriented grant program that she thinks might support such a project. The board authorized her to apply.
Roger suggested that the board might return to meeting in person soon. All board members are fully vaccinated or about to be. We are returning to the season when it would be comfortable to keep windows of the meeting room open for more airflow. No commitments were made.
10. Proposed agenda for May
Preparations for re-opening the preschool
11. Schedule
ACC Board 5/12