2018-11-14 Minutes

Alpine CC Board Minutes
6:30 pm Wednesday, November 14th, 2018 at ACC

Present: Dorothy Brinckerhoff, Roger Irvin, Rachelle Payne, John Scott
Absent: Joyce Long, Dena Elliott, Kristen Norris

1. Discuss & approve minutes of the previous meeting


2. Review board email votes since last meeting


3. Prioritize Agenda

4. Financial Report

The financial reports for October were unavailable due to congestion from Holiday Festival last weekend. Dorothy will email them to the board within a week.

5. Preschool Report

Dorothy reported that the preschool is doing well under Kristen’s leadership. There was high level of parent participation at the Holiday festival. The poinsettia fundraiser is on track to net $2200.

We surveyed the state of the mostly-complete reorganization of storage areas at the Center, with the preschool storage centralized to the office room, and the other ACC storage centralized to the cry room. The Board thanks and applauds the volunteers who have been working on this realignment.

There have been no additional incidents this month of items disappearing.

6. Lessons Learned from Holiday Festival

Dorothy reported that the food worked very well this year. We had almost exact quantities of stew, soup, and pie to meet the demand. There were some misundertandings and confusions related to the ongoing construction at the school. There was a full schedule of music that was well received. The attendance was a little below recent years, but not greatly so. The Resale shop booth did well.

7. Year-End Letter/Brochure

Dorothy passed around for review a proof of the color brochure/mailer that she created, that she had emailed around for review a couple days before the meeting. All agreed that it was an improvement on the letter format that we’ve been sending for the last several years. Dorothy will get them reproduced and host a fold-stamp-addressing gathering on or around Saturday Nov. 24th.

8. Merged calendar participation with City of Monroe

No report.

9. Recycling Center abuse

No report.

10. 2012/2014 Trust Mgmt Grant Implementation

No progress reported.

11. New Business

Dorothy reported that we’ve been invited to sponsor and staff a craft table at the Monroe Light Parade crafts event at the Library, 6:00-7:00 pm on 12/8/18. We discussed it, and decided to offer to do sugar cookie decoration. John volunteered to bake cookies, Dorothy and Rachelle (+kids) volunteered to staff the table.

We began our planning for a second Celebrate Alpine event for next summer. We will target June 22, 2019 as our date. Rachelle will contact Andi Hooper to reserve that day on her schedule, and ask Andi to check availability with Ol’ School. We reminded ourselves that John Ghent expressed interest in performing, as well.

12. Proposed agenda for December

(nothing identified for particular focus at this time)

13. Schedule

Cookie decoration @ Library 12/8, ACC Board 12/12

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