2022-5-11 Minutes

Alpine CC Board Minutes
6:00 pm Wednesday, May 11th, 2022 at ACC


Present: Joyce Long, Rachelle Payne, Melissa Meyer, John Scott, Roger Irvin, Dorothy Brinckerhoff



  1. Discuss & approve minutes of the previous meeting

Approved as corrected

  1. Review board email votes since last meeting


  1. Prioritize Agenda


  1. Review and Accept Financial Reports

Board reviewed and accepted the financial reports for April.

  1. Reopening of the Resale Shop (5 min)

Melissa started a draft for a Sublet Agreement. Dorothy has been editing the draft and is going to talk to Andi for details before sending it out to the board for review. One question of note is the use of electricity to run the Industrial Heater. Currently the Electricity is included in the Rent.


  1. Move from MadMimi to MailChimp (5 min)

The MailChimp account has been set up and the emails are being moved from MadMimi.


  1. Preschool Status (15 min)

Recruitment of students- No loss of students and 1 additional student enrolled.

Play yard repairs- Mowing backyard

Summer program- It’s a go! June 20-end of July, Outdoor, water fun play based, Melissa will start advertisement and adding it to the website 5/12.

Melissa will update the website with the new Preschool Handbook and forms 5/12.

Melissa will start advertising the Open Houses and Registration.

BBQ- Board invited, Rachelle needs numbers for those attending.

Health Policy- Reviewed, Accepted as corrected



  1. Webster Avenue potholes (5 min)

Rachelle reports that she has been in discussion with a local resident Scott Adams. He has informed her that the neighborhood will pitch in $400 total to buy gravel and he will find someone to shovel into the holes. The Board does not believe that this is a permanent solution.

A Preschool Parent has offered to grade the road for $1000 but will need twice as much gravel than the $400 can provide.

We will need ¾ open or ¾ minus road gravel, about 2 dump truckloads which is estimated to cost $700.

Melissa will reach out to former donor for potential rock donation.

Rachelle made a motion to commit $600 for the grading and $200 for the gravel delivery contingent of getting a minimum of $400 from the neighborhood and donation of the gravel or combination of additional funding from the neighborhood and donation of the gravel.

Rachelle reported that the wasps are active around the Center, and we need to call the exterminator to spray again. She will contact Castaway Pest Management.


  1. Budgeting and Fiscal Year Boundary (5 min)

John discussed his review the last five years’ actual income and expense figures.  In the pre-pandemic years, we ran with between $40k and $50k per year of income and expenses.  During the 20-21 pandemic year our income and expenses were about half that.  In the pre-pandemic years, we had around $40k in cash assets at the end of each fiscal year, but now our cash is down to about half that.  Our lessened cash balance is primarily because of underwriting our income shortfall during the pandemic from our cash on hand.  The board discussed our expectations for fund-raisers in the ’22-23 fiscal year and will work on developing new fund raising ideas in the months ahead.  John will circulate a seed draft of the 2022-23 budget before our June meeting.


  1. Plan for sign construction, grant proposal (5 min)

Roger reports that he is still searching for letters, track and solar lighting for the sign. He has noticed that the prices for building materials have gone up since he first priced them out. There was a discussion on who we could get to engrave our logo for the top of the sign. This led into the idea of creating a contest to re-design ACCs logo.

Contest for Logo/Sign design with usable graphic copy. Tabled for next month.


  1. New Business (5 min)

BINGO- There was discussion on the return of the monthly BINGO event. New volunteers who can commit to helping will be required before the event can return. Joyce has agreed to help. We will search for at least 2 more volunteers by sending out a request on the list serve and contacting Jordan Fuller at Monroe High School to see if there are any high school students interested and available in the fall.

Tuesday Jam Sessions will no longer be held due to the facilitator not being available.

Dorothy reports that there will be a Holiday Festival under new management. There is a meeting of volunteers scheduled for this month.


 12. Proposed agenda for June (1 min)

Brainstorm Fundraising Ideas

Holiday Festival

Logo/Sign Contest


  1. Schedule (1 min)

ACC Board 6/8

Preschool Open House May 18th

Preschool Graduation June 8th

Preschool BBQ June 10th


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