2022-09-19 Minutes

Alpine CC Board Meeting Notes
6:00 pm Monday, September 19th, 2022 at ACC


Present: Rachelle Payne, Dorothy Brinckerhoff, John Scott
Absent: Joyce Long, Roger Irvin, Melissa Meyer


In the absence of a quorum, we discussed current issues, deferred the items that require voting, and referred one time-sensitive issue to an email vote.


Approval of Previous Month’s Minutes
Financial Reports



Reopening of the Resale Shop

Dorothy reminded herself that she needs to print the draft lease agreement and take it over to Andi Hooper.


Move from MadMimi to MailChimp

Dorothy believes that Melissa has things ready to cut over.


Preschool Status

Rachelle reported that she has received an application for tuition assistance.  Members present approved the application and referred it to an email vote.


Rachelle reported that the 4-5 year old class is full, with 12 currently enrolled and one of those scheduled to withdraw next week.  There are only 4 enrolled in the 3-4 year old class.


There were attempts to work on the playground fence rehabilitation in August.  Despite strenuous work from a small group of volunteers, only a small amount of progress was made, with one load of pea gravel relocated to the MGS playground.  There were difficulties with access and logistics with the tractors engaged to assist the work.  We will need to recalculate our approach to this work as we plan for future work sessions.


Hot Water Heater Reconstruction

Dorothy reported on the confusing stream of communications from our insurance and various parties related to the flood remediation, asbestos remediation, assessment of the damage, estimation of repair costs, and path forward.  There are multiple people and companies involved, and while they claim to be in communication with each other, the messages we’re receiving do not bear clear signs that they are.  Some amounts correspond from one context to another, while others don’t track from one context to another, or have opaque jumps that don’t add up inside a single statement.  


We have received two checks from the insurance company that are related to different parts of the loss and work, but the messages that came with each make it uncertain which parts.  It is also unclear whether negotiating those checks will be taken as evidence that we agree that they represent the entire reimbursement for those parts of the process.  


Dorothy will continue to engage with the various parties to try to sort it out.  Now that the demolition is completed, she will also work again to find a second contractor who can give us an independent estimate of the cost for the repair work.


Plan for sign construction, grant proposal

Our understanding is that Jeanne submitted the letter of intent to the Benton Arts folks before the early September deadline.  None of us at the meeting had at hand the schedule for submitting the full grant application.


Holiday Festival

The word from the festival team is that all is on track, with a full roster of vendors for the booth space.  The Preschool will not have a booth, but the children will sing holiday songs as one of the main stage entertainments.


Fundraising Ideas



Year-End Letter

John was reminded that it is time to draft the appeal letter and circulate it by email for edits.


New Business

The autumn Dragon Pride dinner and auction is scheduled for October 8th.  Rachelle proposed that we donate a preschool tuition (in some degree) to the auction, for the additional exposure to the community in that group.  Dorothy & John agreed that it would be a good forum to promote the Center in, but were unsure that a preschool tuition (either for a full year or some lesser period) would be the most appropriate thing to offer.  Dorothy suggested donating a gift certificate to the Resale Shop.


Proposed Agenda for October

Water Heater Flood Remediation

Playground work

Sign Construction Grant Application

Year End Letter



Dragon Pride deadline for donations 10/1?, ACC Board meeting 10/12

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