Alpine CC Board Agenda
6:00 pm Wednesday, February 9th, 2022 at ACC
1. Discuss & approve minutes of the previous meeting
No corrections to last months Minutes, Rachelle moved, Roger seconded, all in favor
2. Review board email votes since last meeting
3. Prioritize Agenda
4. Review and Accept Financial Reports
Dorothy reported that the Water Bill is double, because there wasn’t a bill the month before. Dorothy will look into removing 1 of the 2 phone lines in the building that we are not using. Preschool Payroll taxes are quarterly now. Resale shop expensive “other” needs to be moved to supplies. SBCE expense is payroll taxes for Art in the park that was missed. It will be incorporated in the revised financial. Rachelle moved to accept, Roger second, all approved.
5. Reopening of the Resale Shop
Dorothy reported that we are still waiting on the Landlord to give us a sublet agreement. They are contacting Monroe Telephone to get the internet to be able to set up a donated Ipad and take card payments. This will allow every volunteer to accept card payments and not have to use their personal phones.
6. Preschool Status
Joyce sent out the trifold flier to Melissa and Rachelle to look over before printing. Melissa will look into the Monroe City event- set up preschool booth, ask about sponsors from ACC and SBCE. Parents are looking into doing the Scamper in May. V-day celebration and Outdoor field trips are scheduled. Rachelle is still working on an outdoor plan to use grant money.
COVID update- Rachelle will draft a letter to send to the parents to be approved by the board.
7. Background Checks for Co-Op Parent Volunteers
Not yet submitted to ODE. Joyce has them and is working on filling out the form. 2022-02-09 ACC BOD Agenda.doc Page 1 of 2
8. Equipment Rentals Application/Agreement Form
Review, accepted as amended. The board agreed to the change in Rental policy with one change.
9. Move from MadMimi to MailChimp
Melissa requested the username and password to look into making the changes.
10. Developing a plan for Knutsen Grant funds
11. Budget for FY 2021-2022
12. New Business
South Benton Newsletter- Ann Schuster is looking for someone to liaison between communities to produce a newsletter. Joyce will go to the meeting to discuss.
13. Proposed agenda for March
Discussion of the sign- Roger had a preliminary budget for the board.
14. Schedule
ACC next Board Meeting 3/9/22 Adjourned at 7:32pm