Alpine CC Board Minutes
6:00 pm Wednesday, September 12th, 2018 at ACC
Present: Joyce Long, Dorothy Brinckerhoff, Dena Elliott, Roger Irvin, John Scott, Kristen Norris
Absent: Rachelle Payne
1. Discuss & approve minutes of the previous meeting
2. Review board email votes since last meeting
3. Prioritize Agenda
4. Financial Report
Financial reports for August. Accepted.
5. Preschool Report
Samantha has resigned for positive reasons. The board thanks Samantha for her work with us and wishes her well. We are recruiting a new assistant teacher, with two candidates in consideration.
Kristen reported on the opening of preschool year. The first day (9/6/18) was very rough, but second and since have gone well. We still have two openings in the Bigs class that we are recruiting for.
The CPR certification class was held 8/25 for a group of 13 parents and staff. There are several co-op parents who were already certified. Joyce is confirming how many co-oping parents remain uncertified, and will remind them of their obligation to get certified.
We don’t currently have any probable applicants for tuition assistance.
Joyce has collected the background check permission slips from the parents and filled out the cover sheets. She will make copies and get them to Dorothy by Friday to send to ODOE.
Joyce and Kristen proposed swapping the locations of storage units to consolidate preschool storage in the office, and non-preschool storage in the cry room. The board reviewed the proposal and agreed to go ahead with it.
First parents’ meeting is next week, on 9/19.
6. 2018-19 Budget
John & Dorothy reviewed draft 1 of the 2018-19 budget to the board. (It was sent by email to the board for review on 8/21.) The Board discussed it and approved it.
7. Preparations for Holiday Festival
Dorothy reported that vendor reservation fees have been coming it at the customary pace. Jeanne Anne has talked to Kristen about organizing the parents for their festival booth. Dorothy discussed commitments from board members to help with various aspects of the festival.
8. Merged calendar participation with City of Monroe
Joyce reported that there has been no change in the status of the testing. She is waiting for response from City.
9. Recycling Center abuse
Joyce reported no progress on configuration of video recorder to network.
10. 2012/2014 Trust Mgmt Grant Implementation
Dorothy reported no progress on the final report to Trust Mgmt.
11. New Business
Year-end appeal letter. The board discussed ways to make it more effective. We decided to do a targeted mailing to past donors instead of broadcast to all homes in our area. Homework: board mbrs to brainstorm potential donors to be sure to include in a targeted mailing. We will also write new content to spotlight coordination between ACC and SBCE (Art in the Park and Read on Wheels).
Joyce received an inquiry from someone in Junction City requesting that we send an announcement through the mailing list recruiting vendors for a farmers’ market. The board agreed that absent other information that clarifies it as a not-for-profit, it probably falls outside our guidelines.
12. Proposed agenda for October
(To accommodate one member’s variable work schedule, we agreed to shift our meeting in October from 10-/10 to 10/17.)
Year-end letter
Preparation for the Alpine Holiday Festival
13. Schedule
Preschool parents’ meeting 9/19, ACC Board 10/17 (special date!), Holiday Festival 11/10