2015-06-10 Agenda

Alpine CC Board Agenda
6:00 pm Wed., June 10th, 2015 at ACC
(Total scheduled minutes: 58)

  Discuss & approve minutes of the previous meeting (5 min)

  1. Review board email votes since last meeting (1 min)
  1. Prioritize Agenda (2 min)
  1. Financial Report (5 min)

Financial reports for May.

  1. Preschool Report (5 min)

Report (Charlene): Summer Kindersports program

  1. SRF grant for early literacy (5 min)

Report (Joyce & Charlene). Bi-lingual outreach work by Shirley Rubio-Blake.

  1. Coordination with School District (5 min)
  1. Recruiting volunteers for Willamette Gran Fondo 8/2 (5 min)

Report (Joyce & John)

  1. Building Task Force (5 min)

Phase 2 Main Hall lighting improvements.

  1. Building Repurposing Architectural Plan (2 min)

Discussion (Roger): Receipt of plans from Broadleaf Architecture 5/28/15. Discuss next steps.

  1. 2012 Trust Mgmt Grant Implementation (7 min)

Report (Dorothy & John) Informational kiosk design

  1. Budget committee for 2015-16 (2 min)

Discussion (John):

  1. So. Benton Community Advisory Group (SBAG) for M. Hull bequest (2 min)

Discussion (Roger)

  1. New Business (5 min)
  1. Proposed agenda for July (1 min)


  1. Schedule (1 min)

Kindersports begins 6/22, ACC board 7/8, Willamette Gran Fondo 8/2

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