2015-03-11 Minutes

Alpine CC Board Minutes
6:00 pm Wed., March 11th, 2015 at ACC


Present: Joyce Long, Dorothy Brinckerhoff, Dena Elliott, Roger Irvin, Rachelle Payne, Charlene Ophein, John Scott, Evelyn Lee

  1. Discuss & approve minutes of the previous meeting


  1. Review board email votes since last meeting
  1. Prioritize Agenda
  1. Financial Report

January revised reports and February reports accepted.

  1. Preschool Report

Charlene reported that the new printer is working with the ACC computer.

Rachelle donated a Dell laptop that needs to be wiped and re-set up.

Dorothy installed the new paper towel dispensers in the bathrooms, which is benefitting the preschool kids.

A person unrelated to the preschool entered the building during school hours last week. In response, Charlene has started to lock the building exterior doors during school hours.

Joyce will set up Charlene as an administrator for the ACC Facebook page (as well as the Preschool Facebook page, where she is already an administrator).

Charlene asked that the board stress again to other groups that use the building and let kids play in the preschool rooms that they are responsible for tidying up the rooms when they are done.

Plans are moving forward for the Scamper on Saturday, May 2nd.

Charlene is working on additional expectations to clarify to next year’s parents (in the handbook and an agreement form) about their focus during co-op hours.

  1. Community Cleanup Day (March 21st)

Evelyn discussed with the board final arrangements and assignments for the day. Joyce, Rachelle, and John will assist in various capacities. Joyce will lead the volunteer appreciation presentation at noon.

  1. Building Repurposing Architectural Plan

The board reviewed our discussions from last month about what instructions to give Lori Stephens next. Dorothy moved that we instruct Lori to go forward with a design that makes the west side extension two stories tall, with the upper story covering about 2/3rd to 3/4s of the north-south width of the first floor. Dena second. Approved.

Dorothy moved that we approve an expense of $500 for Broadleaf Architecture to develop the next round of more detailed plans, along with a ballpark cost estimate for fundraising purposes. Dena seconded. Approved.

  1. SRF grant for early literacy

(See below under coordination with school district.)

  1. Coordination with School District

Charlene and Joyce have met with the Monroe Kindergarten teacher to coordinate about what expectations they have for children incoming to the kindergarten. The expectations are fairly low, and children coming from our preschool are much more ready to learn than the baseline.

  1. Building Task Force

Board reviewed the previous discussions for the Phase 2 Main Hall lighting improvements. We discussed the possibility of placing light cans on the east side of the horizontal beams, to conceal them from viewpoints facing east. Dena suggested that we ask a professional lighting designer to pitch a thoughtful, informed holistic design for us.
Action Item (Dorothy): Ask lighting shop to tour and craft a design for the main hall.

  1. 2012 Trust Mgmt Grant Implementation

Report (Dorothy & Evelyn) Informational kiosk design priorities (tabled)

  1. So. Benton Community Advisory Group (SBAG) for M. Hull bequest

The ACC board had a joint discussion with the (overlapping) SBCE board on which group would be the best fiscal agent for administering funds across the 14 year expected lifetime of this bequest. The groups agreed that this role would more naturally fall into the historic operating mode of SBCE than ACC.

  1. New Business

Joyce would like to do some re-development on the home page of the ACC web site to add content that invites people to explore more into the rest of the site content. The board encouraged her to do so.

  1. Proposed agenda for April

West end window replacement.

Election of officers

  1. Schedule

Community Cleanup Day 3/21, ACC board 4/8 , Scamper 5/2

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