Alpine CC Board Minutes
6:00 pm Wed., January 14th, 2015 at ACC
Present: Joyce Long, Dena Elliott, Rachelle Payne, Dorothy Brinckerhoff, Charlene Opheim, Roger Irvin, John Scott
1. Discuss & approve minutes of the previous meeting
- Review board email votes since last meeting
- Prioritize Agenda
- Financial Report
Financial reports for December. Accepted (some future tweaks expected).
- Preschool Report
Charlene reported that she has plans to use the ACC laptop for preschool activities, but it needs AntiVirus software to be safe for open use.
Action Item (John): Set up email address for preschool.
Action Item (Joyce): Get printer cartridge and cable for printer; get AntiVirus subscription.
Lately the furnace has been running more, and keeping the building hotter longer than it needs to be, either because of running on the scheduler instead of on demand or through other furnace-related issues.
Now that we have begun to purchase Kindersports equipment, we need space to store it.
The preschool would welcome the donation of one or two laptop computer for kid games. (Rachelle may have one to donate.)
There have been problems lately on clear days with many honey bees around the playground, possibly swarming. Charlene will talk to Karen and Tad from Queen Bee.
- SRF grant for early literacy
Joyce reported that she is still establishing the relationship with the School staff. Dena will supply some statistics about 2014 Read On Wheels to Paul Smith to inform the reporting for this grant.
- Building Task Force
Our perception is that the furnace has been running too much, and keeping the building too hot. It may also be running too frequently for too short periods.
John moved that we authorize expense up to $300 for replacing the thermostat; Dorothy seconded; Approved.
John reported that the doorway between the classrooms has been completed. Charlene reported that this has made a significant improvement to the usage of the rooms.
Phase 2 Main Hall lighting improvements. The Alpine Artists group is keen to explore lighting options to expand gallery usage. Evelyn Lee and John Norrena replaced the halogen bulbs in the two east fixtures with dimmable LED bulbs, slightly increasing the illumination of that part of the hall. They requested budgetary approval for making similar changes to the other four fixtures. The board discussed it and declined to authorize further expense at this time. They will ask Evelyn and the artist team to elaborate plan alternatives for board deliberation.
- 2012 Trust Mgmt Grant Implementation
Informational kiosk design priorities: tabled.
The board discussed plans for a Community Cleanup Day currently scheduled for March 21st. Rachelle suggested getting a Schnitzer steel dumpster in addition to the trash dumpster. Board is concerned about what will happen when the trash dumpster fills. (A similar event several years ago filled several dumpsters.)
- Christmas Tree Lot lessons learned
Rachelle & Dorothy reported on the Tree Lot. The lot was a successful fundraiser. Next year, we need to start organizing before November. Getting the trees there came together closer to start than optimal. We need better signage about which groups benefit from the proceeds and how the self-service hours work. It would have been nicer to have something to sell that is directly related to the preschool.
- Quilt Raffle
Drawing will be on Presidents Day, 2/16/15. Dorothy passed out tickets and showed a mock up of a flyer. Tickets are $2 each, or 6 for $10 and will be for sale at the Resale Shop. (Dorothy will also check with Dari Mart.) There will be a maximum of only 500 tickets sold. The quilt will be on display at Umpqua Bank.
- Facebook page management
Dorothy led a discussion. There has been some confusion lately with people asking to “friend” the ACC Facebook page (an interaction type that should not be possible with our organizational page). John and Joyce suspect that there is a second FB page that says it is for Alpine Community Center, possibly one auto-generated by FB, though it is confusing how it sent confirmation emails to our admin email address. Joyce has been tending the main ACC FB page, Charlene has been tending the ACC Preschool FB page, and Tibbi S. has been tending the Resale Shop FB page.
- Outreach Committee Report
The committee is on hiatus until there is a budget for the repurposing phase.
- New Business
During one of the rentals over the holiday season, a window was broken. We will have it repaired, and invite the family that rented the hall to contribute toward the repair.
Rachelle would like an announcement about the Dragon Pride drift boat raffle to go out on the email list.
Discussed next week’s repurposing architectural plan review meeting.
- Proposed agenda for February
Cleanup day planning
- Schedule
Repurposing architecture plan review 1/20, ACC board 2/11, Quilt Raffle drawing 2/16